Attention all members.
In this year like no other our 2021 club AGM will take place on Sunday 21st February 2pm via Microsoft Teams.
After 9 years in the Chair this will mark Jimmy Wray’s last AGM as Chairman. All other officers intend to stand for re-election. This will leave the chairperson position vacant.
As with all AGMs any member can nominate or be nominated for any of the positions. If you wish to nominate anyone for any of the positions nominations must be sent to the secretary ( via email by 5pm on 16th Feb. If you do wish to nominate someone please ensure you have sought the permission of the person you are nominating before putting their name forward.
This years AGM will be very different & as such we will aim to have all reports available for members to view by Wednesday 17th February. If there are any questions/comments on any of the reports these must be submitted in writing to the secretary by Friday 19th February.
Anyone wishing to attend the meeting must email the secretary by Thursday 18th Feb to indicate they will require the link to meeting to be sent to them.
*Outgoing committee*
Chairperson - Jimmy Wray
Vice Chair - Dan Mellett
Secretary - Angela Fox
Asst Secretary - Kevin Hyland
Treasurer - Paul Henderson
Asst Treasurer - Josie Cunningham
Child Protection Officer - Edel Colleran
PRO - Dan Mellett
*Key dates *
Tuesday 16th Feb deadline for nominations.
Wednesday 17th Feb reports to be made available to members.
Friday 19th deadline for questions/comments on report.